Patient Story

“In the realm where sight meets uncertainty, it’s the unwavering resolve that shapes the outcome.”

Meet Rahul, a bright and spirited 10-year-old boy living in a rural village in Rudraprayag. Rahul’s days were filled with adventure as he explored the lush fields and played with

“Your resilience that stitches together the fragments of uncertainty.”

Meet Mrs. Ananya Sharma, a 62-year-old grandmother residing in a small town nestled amidst the lush green hills of Himachal Pradesh.

“Like the  beacon in a storm, your inner strength navigates through the challenges ahead.”

Mr. Sunil Gupta, a 55-year-old carpenter from a remote village in Rajasthan, found himself grappling with the debilitating effects of advancing cataracts.

“Even in the darkness of the operating room, the light of your determination shines brightest.”

Mrs. Leela Devi, a devoted mother of three from a remote village in Bihar, faced a similar ordeal as she battled with worsening vision due to cataracts.

“Courage isn’t found in the surgeon’s scalpel, but in the resolve of your spirit.”

Mr. Radha Krishna, a weathered farmer of 62 years, resided in the rustic outskirts of Aligarh, where life unfolded amidst the fields and skies.

Sandeep’s Vision Restored

Sandeep Singh belonging to village Nakhi, Tehri District , Uttarakhand came with a history of defective vision left eye more than right eye since one year. He was currently studying

Kundal lal Journey through Darkness to light.

"Strength does not come from the body. It comes from the will."

Chakori Devi Journey through Give Vision Give Hope to Chakori Devi

Read about the challenges faced by many elderly individuals like

Patient Story 3

My wife is a retired teacher and she strongly recommended I go to Vivekananda Netralaya for my cataract surgery. I was very concerned about having surgery on my eyes but

Patient Story 2

Kamlesh singh just had cataract surgery and is looking forward to traveling again with his new vision. “I travel and drive a lot, and now I can see my instrument